Greetings Homebrewers!
It’s an honor to be given the chance to take the helm of PALE ALES. The Board and I are very excited about picking up on the ongoing initiatives and seeing them through as well as starting a few new ones of our own. But before I go on, I’d like to publicly acknowledge and thank Kevin Trayner for serving as the group’s President for the past five years — including two “dark years” where Princeton Homebrew was closed (and ingredients were hard to come by). Kudos, Kevin! I’m grateful that Kevin has agreed to stay on the Board to help with the transition and motivate us with his enthusiasm for all things beer!
I’m happy to announce PALE ALES is back on a monthly meeting schedule! We will be meeting on the 2nd Monday of each month. Check the Calendar page for the latest.
Happy Brewing!
Marc Leckington